Each of the arts offered at BMHA are also available to be learned in Personal Training, either at our location or yours. Especially for experienced practitioners this includes training in specialized aspects of the arts. Those new to the arts will receive training in the appropriate foundational methods and concepts of the art(s) they are interested in and that is best suited for them. The following are some ideas regarding this in each of the arts Sifu Mike teaches. The way this works is first to contact Sifu Mike for a Consultation, no charge, where you will discuss with him your experience in the arts, goals, and needs. If you are currently the student of an acknowledged, traditional teacher of the arts then you will also need to get that teachers’ permission to train with Sifu Mike, even if the personal training is in an art you are not or were not learning from them. Then you and Sifu Mike will design a course of training which matches your experience and goals and needs, including when and where and for how long you will meet for training. Arts available for Personal Training in, include: The Butterfly Reiki System, the Butterfly Tai Chi System, Shaolin Five Form Fist Kung Fu including the rare Shaolin Butterfly Style, Filipino Kali/Martial Arts, the Butterfly Qigong, Min Zin, and Meditation System, and Street Self Defense Training. Thanks for the interest, CONTACT Sifu Mike HERE.
Beginning students will start by learning the 4 Levels of the Butterfly Reiki System: Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, Shinpiden. Students/ Teachers from other Reiki Styles/Systems can potentially learn various specialized aspects of the Butterfly Reiki System designed to match their level of experience, goals, and needs. Ideas include:
Any and all aspects of the Seven Jewels of Reiki: Gassho, GoKai (the Reiki Principles), ReiJu (the Reiki Gift, Attunement), Jumon (Mantra), Shirushi (Symbols), Reiki-ko (Reiki Qigong), and Reiki Chiryo-ho (the Reiki Healing Methods for Self and Others). See the Butterfly Reiki Portal and Sifu Mik’e BOOKS to learn about about these key elements of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Japanese Reiki Methods- Reiki-ko (Reiki Qigong) and Reiki Chiryo-ho (Reiki Healing Methods)
The Butterfly Min Zin Reiki System. This is a special Reiki Style designed for those who are already Reiki Practitioners and Teachers which offers training in rare, traditional Reiki and related methods which come through the Burmese lineages of famous grandmaster, Dr. Maung Gyi. Dr. Gyi has personally empowered Sifu Mike to be able to offer this to the public. Currently there are two practitioner levels in this rare but true, traditional system. At some point a third, teacher level may be added. See the Butterfly Min Zin descriptions on the Butterfly Min Zin pages for more information as well as Sifu Mike’s BOOKS. For information on Sifu Mike’s Reiki Lineage CLICK HERE.
Reiki Healing Sessions are also available by appointment at our Reiki Dojo or your location, including Remote Reiki Healing (Reiki Unity Healing).
Beginning students should start with the foundations of the Butterfly Tai Chi System, either in the group classes offered on a regular basis or in Personal Training. See the Class Calendar and Events/Classes pages for details on public training and CONTACT Sifu Mike for PERSONAL TRAINING.
For those who are experienced students or instructors PERSONAL TRAINING in the following aspects of traditional Tai Chi Chuan is available:
Tai Chi Principles, Concepts and Philosophy.
Tai Chi Fundamentals, including breathing and sound/qihai development, Health Qigong and Nei Gong both stationary and moving, flowing and static (on the outside); Tai Chi Qigong, the Tai Chi Circle (a group tai chi method), Tai Chi Stepping Exercises, Tai Chi Rowing Methods, and other specialized aspects of training in traditional Tai Chi Chuan.
Tai Chi Open Hand Forms: including the White Lotus Yang style short form, the Tai Chi Ling Po Chuan (Taiji Lien Bu Quan) set- a form of linear tai chi; rare Butterfly/Yang style Form and Basics, and the rare Lee and Ng style tai chi sets from the Bak Fu Pai system (starting with the Lee style). Other open hand sets are available which come from Sifu Mike’s lineage and experience, contact him for details (for experienced, serious and respectful instructors). See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for many video clips of rare, traditional Forms/Sets which Sifu Mike can share with respectful, disciplined students/instructors.
Tai Chi Weapons Training: Tai Chi Staff/Spear, Tai Chi Dao/Saber/Broadsword, Tai Chi Gim/Jian/Double Edged Straight Sword. This includes Basics, Concepts, Philosophy of the weapons as well as fundamental drills (solo and partner), power development, forms, and applications. Other weapons are available such as 9 Section Steel Whip and Emei Piercers as well as specialized versions of the foundation weapons, such as the two handed, long ring handle Butterfly/Dragon Tai Chi Dao, the Tai Chi Ruler and Stick, and others.
Tai Chi Tui Shou/Push Hands Drills, including Principles, Concepts and Drills. The first level of Tai Chi Tui Shou is to, “absorb and redirect negative energy of word, thought or deed.” There are many Tui Shou Drills available, beginning with the Pre-Push Hands Exercise then proceeding to Single and Double Rolling Arms both horizontal and vertical circle, Single and Double linear tui shou drills, various other push hands methods, including skill/power development methods (such as sticking and following drills, listening and understanding energy/jing methods, drills in receiving force and drills in issuing force- such as the group “Tai Chi Pinball” drill- no touch and blind/dark/night drills, and more), free style push hands both single and double hand, stationary and moving step drills of all kinds/in all directions.
Tai Chi Applications, Self Defense and Fighting Training. This begins with bridging the gap from solo forms, basics and push hands to free fighting by introducing Tai Chi Applications Training, Moving Step Push Hands including Free Style Moving Steps Push Hands, to simple Tai Chi Self Defense/Attack/Defense Drills, to Graduated Free Sparring Drills all the way up to full speed and power free fighting utilizing Tai Chi Chuan. Part of this training is conditioning to be in shape to do this and in order to condition the body and energy from the inside out to be able to successfully engage in combat properly and safely. It is one thing to be able to deliver force, but quite another to be able to receive force. This training also involves how to fall and roll and get up properly as well as how to fight and counter from the ground utilizing CMA, the key being when one takes a fall to learn how to get up quickly.
Other specialized aspects of training in Tai Chi Chuan, such as Tai Chi Mook Jong Training and the Dragon Walking and Lotus Stepping Footwork Systems- Solo and Partner Drills and Applications.
Beginning students should start with the public classes offered in the Butterfly Reiki System, the Butterfly Min Zin, Qigong, and Meditation System and the Butterfly Tai Chi System, as well as the classes in various aspects of the Shaolin Arts, see the CLASS SCHEDULE and EVENTS/CLASSES pages for upcoming offerings/classes. For experienced students, instructors or those who have a more serious intention PERSONAL TRAINING is available.
The 3 Main objectives of Min Zin Training are: 1) To learn to control disruptive and destructive emotions, 2) To improve physical health and well being, and 3) to achieve emotional balance and spiritual clarity.
Training in the Butterfly Min Zin, Qigong and Meditation System encompasses a wide variety of Concepts, Methods and Applications. Sifu Mike has a comprehensive and deep background in these arts formally for over 34 years now. Areas of study encompass the following main areas: Regeneration, Maintenance and Longevity of Health as well as Balance and Harmony of Spirit, Mind and Body. The main types of Classical Qigong Training are available: Health/Healing, Mind/Intellect, Martial Arts/Sports, and Spiritual Healing and Transformation.
Methods are drawn from Sifu Mike’s background and experience in a wide variety of classic and modern methods/systems, including: Shaolin, Tai Chi, Chinese Qigong and Nei Gong, Usui Reiki Ryoho and a variety of other Reiki Styles and other Japanese Methods, Burmese Min Zin, a variety of Indian Yogic/Spiritual arts including Buddhist Arts/Concepts, and Hawaiian concepts and methods (amongst others, such as Western Esoteric/New Age Concepts/Methods).
Upon Consultation with Sifu Mike a proper course of training will be developed based upon the students’ experience, background, goals, and needs. CONTACT Sifu Mike HERE.
Beginning students should start in the classes offered to the public, see the CLASS SCHEDULE and EVENTS/CLASSES pages for upcoming offerings.
For experienced students or instructors regardless of style/lineage PERSONAL TRAINING is available. This includes in the FULL RANGE of the Shaolin Arts and Shaolin Five Form Fist System, including the rare Shaolin Butterfly Style and Dragon Walking and Lotus Stepping Footwork Systems- Solo and Partner Drills and Applications. See the Shaolin Butterfly Portal for more on this system and art.
Also available for serious and experienced students/instructors with the proper character and ethics is training in STREET SELF DEFENSE. The STREET SELF DEFENSE TRAINING will include training in the best and most effective methods drawn from Chinese and Filipino Martial Arts, including open hand and weapons (legal street weapons). THE KEY TO STREET SELF DEFENSE IS NATURAL REACTION TRAINING. To quote the legendary Sword Saint, Miyamoto Musashi, “my fighting step is my walking step and my walking step is my fighting step.” Or as Sifu Mike’s teacher, Shaolin Five Form Fist Headmaster Tao Chi Li put it, “throwing a punch is like snapping your fingers and boxing/martial arts must be like taking a walk.”
Beginning students should start with the classes offered to the public, see the CLASS CALENDAR and EVENTS/CLASSES pages for upcoming classes.
For experienced students/instructors regardless of martial art background PERSONAL TRAINING is available. See the Kali/FMA page for details.
Also available for serious and experienced students/instructors with the proper character and ethics is training in STREET SELF DEFENSE. The STREET SELF DEFENSE TRAINING will include training in the best and most effective methods drawn from Chinese and Filipino Martial Arts, including open hand and weapons (legal street weapons). THE KEY TO STREET SELF DEFENSE IS NATURAL REACTION TRAINING. To quote the legendary Sword Saint, Miyamoto Musashi, “my fighting step is my walking step and my walking step is my fighting step.” Or as Sifu Mike’s teacher, Shaolin Five Form Fist Headmaster Tao Chi Li put it, “throwing a punch is like snapping your fingers and boxing/martial arts must be like taking a walk.”
Also available for serious and experienced students/instructors with the proper character and ethics is training in STREET SELF DEFENSE. The STREET SELF DEFENSE TRAINING will include training in the best and most effective methods drawn from Chinese and Filipino Martial Arts, including open hand and weapons (legal street weapons). THE KEY TO STREET SELF DEFENSE IS NATURAL REACTION TRAINING. To quote the legendary Sword Saint, Miyamoto Musashi, “my fighting step is my walking step and my walking step is my fighting step.” Or as sifu Mike’s teacher, Shaolin Five Form Fist Headmaster Tao Chi Li put it, “throwing a punch is like snapping your fingers and boxing/martial arts must be like taking a walk.”