The Rei-Ki kanji- ancient Japanese calligraphy- translated. The brush strokes form pictures which give the idea of what they mean- like a picture of a flower rather than just the letters. This gives many more dimensions to the meaning and aids us Western, left-brain thinkers to understand it much better. After all, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The Founders art- Usui Reiki Ryoho- and the Butterfly Reiki System exist so that this gift can be properly transmitted to all people who would like to receive it. Mike has taught thousands of people of all kinds- from Buddhist Monks and Catholic Nuns to Protestant Ministers and Wiccan High Priestesses, Muslims, followers of Judaism, atheists and scores of all kinds of people of all ages and backgrounds: truck drivers, housewives, I.T. pro's, cooks, prisons to colleges, hospitals to hospice, women, men, and children- you name it, everyone loves and benefits from REI-KI, the most pure and natural healing force there is.