Free Shaolin Butterfly Qigong ZOOM Session
All are welcome to join us as Sifu Michael Fuchs leads a session in rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong- Breathe, Move, Stand, Be- the Shaolin Butterfly Way. Donations gratefully accepted, paypal.me/reikibutterfly

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

T'ai Chi and Qigong in Berlin, CT
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

All Is One- Free Zoom Session
All are welcome to join Sifu Mike in this free zoom session as we explore meditation, qigong and concepts which promote unity of Spirit- Mind- Body. Truly, in the T’ai Chi of the microcosm and the macrocosm there is no separation when we relax, let go, and just BE. Donations gratefully accepted, paypal.me/reikibutterfly

Reiki Share
All Reiki People are welcome to join Sifu Michael Fuchs for a wonderful evening featuring healing energy, meditation, and good vibrations. We will be sharing and receiving reiki sessions with each other in a casual atmosphere of friendship, honor, and positive energy. The Reiki Share will be held at the beautiful Mandell Jewish Community Center in West Hartford, CT, see the flyer for details and registration information. We look forward to seeing you there.

T'ai Chi and Qigong in Berlin, CT
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Reiki Share
All Reiki People are welcome to join Sifu Michael Fuchs for a wonderful evening featuring healing energy, meditation, and good vibrations. We will be sharing and receiving reiki sessions with each other in a casual atmosphere of friendship, honor, and positive energy. The Reiki Share will be held at the beautiful Mandell Jewish Community Center in West Hartford, CT, see the flyer for details and registration information. We look forward to seeing you there.

T'ai Chi and Qigong in Berlin, CT
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

T'ai Chi and Qigong in Berlin, CT
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Special 2 Handed Reiki Symbol FREE ZOOM Class
All Reiki People are welcome to join us for this special FREE ZOOM session. Sifu Mike will share a rare 2 handed reiki symbol and mudra he learned from living legend grandmaster, Dr. Maung Gyi. This symbol and method was shared with Sifu Mike in order to enhance and work with Usui Reiki practice, and comes from Dr. Gyi’s ancient Burmese Min Zin traditions of spiritual energywork (reiki-ko or shinki-ko in Japanese). It is one of the rare reiki symbols/mantra unique to the Butterfly Reiki System.
*** This symbol, mantra and mudra is used to begin a reiki session, energetically connecting the reiki practitioner, client/subject, and Reiki Herself in order to gently prepare the client and begin the reiki healing process. The name of the symbol, deeper information, and reiki attunement will not be shared in this free zoom event, but all reiki people (all who have received reiki attunement, regardless of level/experience) are welcome to join and learn how to use and activate the symbol.
FREE ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84669646343?pwd=ldxa2yfA8nOUOGzKBYaIKVlFUx2aFR.1

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, PAYPAL.ME/REIKIBUTTERFLY, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

New Year's Qigong and Mindfulness FREE Zoom Event
All are welcome to join us as we give thanks, cleanse and let go of the old and transform and prepare for the New Year with Shaolin Butterfly Qigong and Mindfulness- Breathe, Move, Stand, Be- the Shaolin Butterfly Way. See you there, no previous experience in meditation is necessary, all are welcome for this free ZOOM EVENT (donations gratefully accepted at: paypal.me/reikibutterfly). Peace, Balance, Transformation, Harmony- Shaolin Butterfly, here is the ZOOM link and invitation,
Michael Fuchs is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: New Year's Butterfly Qigong FREE Zoom Event
Time: Jan 2, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 9299 1901
Passcode: 107866
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Meeting ID: 818 9299 1901
Passcode: 107866
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbZjXKAZnj

Meditation and Mantra- For Protection, Blessings and Abundance Now and In The New Year- FREE Zoom Event
Please join Sifu Mike for this free Zoom Session as we end the year and prepare for the coming New Year. Sifu Mike will lead participants through special Mudra (sacred gestures) and Mantra (sacred sounds) meditations for Purification, Protection, Blessings, and Abundance; both for ourselves and our world, now and for the New Year- all dedicated to the Highest Good, Thy Will Be Done, not mine. Sifu Mike is a lifelong meditator who has learned from many top experts and spiritual leaders. No previous experience in meditation is necessary, all are welcome for this free, interfaith spiritual ZOOM EVENT, (donations gratefully accepted, paypal.me/reikibutterfly). Peace, Balance, Transformation, Harmony- Shaolin Butterfly (we will be seated how is comfortable for this meditation experience).

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course, $20 per class, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more,
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”

Reiki Healing Program
Sifu Mike will be leading a special Reiki Healing Program for the members of the Unitarian Church in Monson, Mass. To learn more about reiki healing arts or to book an event contact Sifu Mike, and see the Reiki Butterfly Portal. Here is the outline of the program,
Unitarian Universalist Parish
Monson, MA
Reiki Talk and Event
w/Michael Fuchs
“The Art of Reiki Healing”
1) The Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, O-Sensei Mikao Usui (8/15/1865- 3/9/1926)
2) The Transmission of Reiki- from O-Sensei Usui, to Shihan Chujiro Hayashi and other disciples, to Rev. Hawayo Takata and Hawaii; and then to the world.
3) The Three Pillars and Seven Jewels of Reiki-
** Spiritual Healing (Rei-ji), Energy Healing (Chiryo-ho), Meditation (Gassho)
** Gassho, Rei-ju, Go-kai, Reiki-ko, Jumon, Shirushi, Chiryo-ho
4) Receiving and Learning Reiki
5) Q + A
6) Sample Reiki Healing Sessions
** Sifu Michael Fuchs is an author and teacher of a variety of martial, meditative, and healing arts. He is the Founder of the Butterfly Reiki System and the Shaolin Butterfly Qigong System, and is an Integrative Medicine Consultant who has worked with many special needs populations over the past 35 years, as well as thousands of people from all socio/economic backgrounds. For more information on his books, classes, and events please see www.shaolinbutterfly.com. “Have Reiki, Will Travel.”

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course, $20 per class, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more,
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course. Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more, only $20 per class or $100 paid ahead for all 6, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”
Xmas Shopping and Holistic Arts Event
Hii All, stop in New Britain, CT for this exciting day of Xmas shopping, arts and crafts, and holistic events- Sifu Mike will be leading free sessions in T’ai Chi and Qigong sessions and $5 for 5 minute chair reiki healing sessions, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, see the flyer for details- HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Shaolin Butterfly Qigong on Zoom, Special Presentation
Sifu Mike will lead a program for the International Tai Chi Teacher’s Circle facilitated by Dr. Chang-shin Jih and it’s members via ZOOM on the rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong system. For more info. CONTACT Sifu Mike. The regular Monday Tai Chi will pick up the following Monday at 600pm in Berlin, CT- same time, same place, same beautiful Tai Chi- see you there!

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course. Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more, only $20 per class or $100 for all 6 paid ahead, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”

Shaolin Butterfly Qigong
All are welcome to join us for this introduction to rare and beautiful Shaolin Butterfly Qigong., click to read much more on this beautiful and effective style. Please make plans to join us for this special class, as we cultivate health and wellness- Spirit, Mind, Body. Only $25, paypal.me/reikibutterfly

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, paypal.me/reikibutterfly, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Wellness, Stress Relief, and Self Care Program
Please join us at the Center For Higher Living Integrative Healing in Berlin, CT for a program offering for those in need of healing and stress relief in this challenging time. T’ai Chi and Qigong, Massage and Bodywork, Reiki Healing and more will be offered by the expert therapists and teachers of the CFHL. Sifu Mike will be sharing simple but effective Qigong and T’ai Chi for stress relief and promotion of balance and harmony, Spirit-Mind-Body as well as free reiki healing chair sessions. Stay tuned for more details and please make plans to join us for this special and needed event. Blessings for all. Contact Sifu Mike or CFHL at 860.812.0552 for more info.

The T'ai Chi Wu-Bu, "5 Steps/Stances/Directions."
All are welcome to join us for this exploration of these classic concepts and methods of T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Taiji Quan). We will experience and explore the “Wu-Bu” via Principles/Concepts, Practice, and Application; including special standing postures and nei kung (internal power meditation), solo and partner work (including rare T’ai Chi 8 Directional Stepping Methods). The “T’ai Chi Wu-Bu” are: Zhong Ding (“central equilibrium”), Jin-Bu (“advance" or step forward), Tui-Bu (“Retreat” or yield/step backwards), Zuo-Gu (“look to the right” or step right side), and You-Pan (“gaze to the left” or step left side).
“Wu” here means 5, and “Bu” refers to the step or stance. The T’ai Chi “Wu-Bu” is both elemental and advanced material, as such there is more to it than “meets the eye.” Combined with the “T’ai Chi Ba-Fa (8 gates/energies)” the “T’ai Chi Wu-Bu” are integral to all styles of T’ai Chi Ch’uan and are relevant to any other style. All levels and styles are welcome to join us, with respect for all and to all.
Class Fee: $25
Instructor- Sifu Michael Fuchs has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Chinese and Filipino Martial Arts, having learned from some of the top experts of these arts in multiple disciplines, including those who are renowned military/special forces/police/security trainers and operatives. See www.shaolinbutterfly.com for more info. and events.

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Butterfly Tai Chi Classes
All are welcome to join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the beautiful Center For Higher Living; they have a large, very comfortable space for tai chi/yoga and the like as well as private treatment rooms for reiki/massage/bodywork/energy work. All levels are welcome, $20 per class, people can join anytime. Tai Chi is world renowned for promoting health and wellness, balance and harmony for spirit, mind, and body- we hope to see you there. See the Butterfly Tai Chi Portal for much more on Tai Chi Training, Concepts/Principles, Articles and Videos, Links and more.

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course. Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more,
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”

Butterfly Qigong Zoom Course
All are welcome to join us as we cultivate health, balance and harmony the Butterfly Way- with rare Shaolin Butterfly Qigong. In this 6 Week Zoom Course (9/19- 10/24) Sifu Mike will share all 18 Level One Shaolin Butterfly Qigong Methods. People can take each lesson to learn the entire sequence, or drop in when free (each class will be a unique lesson). Each class will feature new methods as well as review of previous material. Only $20 per class, or pay ahead, all 6 for $100, paypal.me/reikibutterfly
Contact Sifu Mike for the Zoom Link once payment is received, thanks and “see” you then!
"The Shaolin Butterfly Style and Shaolin Butterfly Qigong are ‘High, Internal’ styles. As such Butterfly Qigong is a natural method of what is known as ‘Shen Gong.’ It ennobles us and enriches us, lifting our vision beyond the mundane and purifying the heart, allowing us to perceive the greater and higher dimensions and realities both within ourselves and in all Creation.”

Dong Family T'ai Chi "Simplified Slow Set"
Sifu Mike will begin sharing the Dong Family T’ai Chi “Simplified Slow Set.” This set was created by 4th generation Dong Family T’ai Chi Master Alex Dong, and is a 8-12 minute simplified version of the traditional Long Form Slow Set, created by Founder Grandmaster Dong Ying Jie. The set is very well balanced with postures/movements on both left and right sides, has excellent and smooth transitions between postures, moves in all directions, and is full of classic Yang style T’ai Chi Postures/Movements. All levels/styles are welcome to join us for this 6 week course. Sifu Mike is a certified teacher under Master Alex dong and has 35+ years of experience in traditional T’ai Chi and related Chinese and other martial and healing arts. Here is some info. on the Dong Family T’ai Chi Lineage and Master Alex Dong, see www.alexdongtaichi.com for more,
“Alex Dong's lineage is a renowned family of tai chi chuan masters. His great-grandfather, Grand Master Tung Ying Jie was for many years the national champion of China. Tung Ying Jie was a leading disciple of Yang Cheng-Fu, the main proponent of the modern Yang Long Form.
Tung Ying Jie had also studied with Li Xiang Yuan who was a disciple of Hao Wei Jing, the founder of the Hao style Taiji. Alex Dong's grandfather, Grand Master Dong Hu Ling, spread the art in Southeast Asia and the United States and his father, Grand Master Dong Zeng Chen, is world famous for his tai chi skills, particularly in push hands.”