Breaking and Kiai
** Breaking and Ki-Ai/QiHai:
So, I just wanted to share some thoughts on these often misunderstood topics in martial arts training. #1, the reason both are practiced is to further perfect Unity of Spirit, Mind, Body and Technique...NOT to show off or to try to intimidate or to be misused in anyway, as in harming others. Kiai especially can also be used for other purposes beyond assisting with techniques such as breaking and other technique (it can enhance many martial techniques not just striking), it can be used for internal and external healing.
Now, #2, you must learn from a live teacher in person who knows the proper way of training and utilizing both of these methods- Breaking and Kiai. Both if trained improperly can be very harmful to yourself. YOU CAN'T LEARN AS A NOVICE FROM A BOOK OR VIDEO. Sorry, no matter what you pay to learn from the bald guy in the white robe selling "secrets" lol it is not possible to learn properly. I know for real what can happen to people who do not train properly and had to quit training all together or face paralysis or worse for life.
#3, I am no great "master" of breaking or kiai though I did learn from a very highly unusually skilled and knowledgeable teacher and later was mentored by another who also was most unusual. I have trained off and on with various conditioning methods including the key component- NEI GUNG AND QI GUNG for over 34 years now. That is why with only a month re-warmup I could hold a coconut in one hand and crack it in half with my other lol. DO NOT TRY THIS OR ANY BREAKING TECHNIQUE without proper training- it can take years to get to that point so you won't hurt yourself, or maim is what I am saying- serious injury. Then refer to #1 and #2 and #3 again- it is not an ego game but actually a form of meditation to perfect oneself via kung fu training. All Glory To God, Thy Will Be Done, not mine. Or Buddha, pick your Path.
I have also used both iron skills and kiai in real, live self defense scenarios more than once- including live blade life and death attacks. Twice I have utilized Kiai alone- no touch- to knock people over, including an ex Big Ten wrestling champ and power lifter who sneak attacked me at work- much to his surprise my response with intention to defend directed through my eyes and a Tiger Kiai alone knocked him flying back 20 feet and onto his ass. Yes, others saw this happen, lol. The fool never bothered me again. FYI, in my teachers system breath and sound/kiai is interwoven into every single aspect of training in many, many ways. I mention this so people understand I didn't read what I am saying here from a book lol and am now trying to "sell" something. Is just true, sound advice I myself learned from experts who are unquestionable in these areas- breaking and kiai.
Train well and keep it real.
pre-break, 8/12/22.
post-break, held in left hand and slapped with right palm with kiai, 8/12/22.