The reiki attunement is a great and high blessing and gift; perhaps the key element in the compassionate healing art of Usui Reiki Ryoho, initially at any rate. It is this gift which opens and activates the healing channel between ourselves and the Universe, however we experience or conceive of that to be.
In Japanese the reiki attunement is referred to as, 'rei-ju,' or the reiki blessing/ gift. This is indeed what it is, a high blessing given to us freely by the Universe, Spirit, or the Divine; again, however we may conceive of that relationship to be and whatever words we may have for it. Note that the compassionate healing art of reiki is not a religous healing art, it is not dogmatic in any way. The art of reiki is a completely natural and practical art, based upon the natural laws of life and the Universe.
O- Sensei Mikao Usui, the Founder of this art, received what is referred to as a 'Divine Attunement” during his enlightenment experience upon Mt. Kurama, near Kyoto, Japan in the early part of the 20th century. Divine Attunement may also be referred to as 'Universal/ Cosmic Attunement' as the words matter less than the actual process and result- he was reiki-fied! In other words, no human teacher 'attuned' or empowered O- Sensei. His lifelong discipline and life of compassion and wisdom prepared and purified him to the point that the Universe/ Divine was able to directly empower him with this gift. As the Founder of the art of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he was also gifted with the ability to share this blessing with others; as well as a process and method whereby they could then take what they had been given (the reiki attunement) and pass it on again. As an analogy, think of the Eternal Universal Flame lighting O- Sensei's candle; then he lighting his student's candles; then they lighting their students candles; and so on until the present moment and onward endlessly.
The most obvious result of the reiki attunement is the ability to serve as a vessel for the reiki healing energy. In other words, when one receives the reiki attunement one is able to give or share reiki with others, with themselves, with animals and plants, and all forms of well as other specialized applications of the reiki healing energy. This is a natural, inborn ability which all all of us (and all life) possesses. It just needs to be activated or, 'tuned in.' Thus, the reiki attunement...
In addition to the ability to give ourselves and others reiki, the reiki attunement has other specialized results and applications. One of these is well known. Those who receive the training are able to easily learn how to give others a reiki attunement.
The following are some of the specialized features and abilities which receiving the reiki attunement blesses us with. We can think of them as, 'post attunement, attunements!' Note that in this article I will be discussing these concepts and abilities in general, as the specialized methods and meditations which may accompany them are beyond the scope of this simple article. For now, read and let reiki Herself be your guide.
- 'Self Attunement'
When we receive the reiki attunement we also receive the potential to greatly expand our sensitivity and overall potential as a human being. We are given a clear pathway to climb 'out of the box' as it were. What is this box? The 'box' is all of the self defeating and self limiting thoughts, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors which we have put upon ourselves; or that others have put upon us and we have accepted. Self Attunement within the art of reiki is quite simply the art and skill of tuning into our Higher Self or Soul, which is our true, real Self. When we do this daily the healing light of our Higher Self/ Soul enriches us in countless ways, as well as all and everything around us. This is one of the keys to receiving the benefits of this compassionate art. Give yourself reiki each day as a meditation of love for yourself, to yourself. Merge with the reiki healing energy and become one with it, unifying all aspects of yourself. Truly, our Higher Self/ Soul and the reiki are the same things, just called by different names.
- 'Attunement to Others'
This can also be referred to as 'Attunement to Nature.' Just as we can and should utilize the gift of reiki attunement to tune into ourSELVES, we can and should use it to tune into others. This, as in all applications of the art, should always be done following the simple rule of 'Thy Will be done, not mine...'We must leave our own personal ego completely out of the equation...I can see my teacher now admonishing me/ us: "There is absolutely no place for the ego in the context of reiki healing!' Try to leave all thoughts of I, ME, MINE, out of it...The goal of attuning to others is done to further the mission of healing, balance, and harmony for all beings and life, as well as the Earth herself. O- Sensei Usui specifically mentioned this as being one of the aims of his art and teachings. So, relax, attune to yourSELF, then let the reiki flow from your heart and mind, your eyes and words, from your entire being, out to others and to all around you and be open to receiving the same from all...for the highest good of all, Thy Will be done, not mine.
- 'Divine Attunement'
Divine or Universal Attunement refers to the process of attuning to our own Higher Self/Soul, and then through that connection opening ourSELVES to the Divine Light, God, the Buddha realm, the Great Spirit, the Universe, Nature, the Mystery, the Unknowable, or whatever words you may have or prefer...Divine Attunement through the art of reiki is what truly empowers and heals us most completely...sit quietly, connect within to your heart and Soul, ask to be one with the Universe, give thanks, and then let go and let it happen...'let go, let reiki...'
** In truth all is One, we are One, Spirit is One...Self Attunement, Attunement to Others, and Divine Attunement are merely different ways that we may learn to experience and live with this high state of consciousness. When we begin to experience and gain familiarity with this enlightened state of mind, we can more easily stay connected with it, to live it daily as it more and more of us do this world wide the real potential for Peace on Earth can be glimpsed and achieved; perhaps sooner than we might ever imagine.
** thanks to O- Sensei Usui for sharing this great art and gift with us; and to my teacher, Dr. Maung Gyi, for challenging me and giving me this 'homework' to work on and share with others...much love for all, reiki blessings, namaste.'